Programming Portfolio

Collection of my works that can be made public.

Web Application: md5html

Single page web application for calculating digest-hash (e.g. MD5) for given files.

Used: Javascript/Elm, HTML5(webworker), Picnic CSS

screenshot of md5html webpage

Open Source Development Tool: elm-doctest

Doctest runner for Elm-lang soruce code files. Executable installable via npm. It will extract test codes within code comments and run validation code in elm-repl, then spits out result into stdout.

Web Application: GaussianMixtureEM

Single page web application for fitting Mixed Gaussian distribution using ExpectationMaximization technique.

Used: Javascript/AngularJS, HTML5/Jade, CoffeeScript, Bootstrap, Yeoman/NPM/Grunt

screenshot of GaussianMixtureEM webpage

OpenSource Project Contribution: TodoMVC

I contributed AgilityJs implementation for TodoMVC project.

Used: Javascript/AgilityJs/JQuery, HTML5

screenshot of TodoMVC webpage

StackOverflow Reputation

I have been providing answers to Javascript/AngularJS/Elm related questions at StackOverflow.

profile for tosh shimayama at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers


Other works can be viewed at my github repository list page. Including: